Trip to Davis, CA and back
This was an overnight trip to visit some friends.
Photos taken with a Konica Autoreflex TC camera.
Click on any photo for an enlargement.
Leaving Davis Airport. |
The hotel we stayed at in Davis. The Davis
Amtrak stop is in the lower left of this picture also. |
The Nut Tree Airport off highway 80. The rest of the Nut
Tree has been bulldozed. |
The Carquinez Bridge, looking East. |
Marine World theme park in Vallejo. |
The Campanile at UC Berkeley. The airplane's shadow
can be seem just to the right of the Campanile's shadow on the road. |
The stadium at Cal. |
Another view of the Cal campus. |
Downtown San Francisco. |
North Beach in San Francisco. |
The Golden Gate bridge, looking Southwest. |
The intersection of Geary and 32nd in San Francisco. A
friend used to live right near there. |
All images copyright Rich Prillinger, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Please ask for permission before use
web at richp d0t com